How To plan Your Race calendar for 2019

exactly how to plan your finest running year ever! inspect out this video with 5 steps to plan your race calendar for this year.

It’s simple however extremely important if you want to get faster, run farther, PR, get healthier or just have more fun running. I’ve been utilizing this hack to plan my running as well as training calendar for years. It’s so important to have visual reminders of our goals.
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Check out the video as well as let me understand what your goals are for this year!

How to plan Your Running calendar for the Year:

These tips for planning your running or racing calendar can work for runners or all levels. Make sure you are setting goals that are appropriate to YOU. Your goals should be about your fitness, health, goals, priorities, time, resources, etc. Don’t let other people on social network or around you irl effect exactly how you feel about yourself as well as the goals you set.

5 steps to planning Your Race Calendar:

1. set goals

Step 1 is to set 3 goals – they can be all running goals or a combination or running as well as physical fitness goals. If you have more than 3 – compose them down on a piece of paper as well as select the 3 most important to you right now. Those will be your focus for this year. 

2. listing races

Make a listing of the races you want to perform in 2020, races you do every year, prospective goal races, etc. include the dates of these races for the new year. 

3. important dates (personal as well as professional)

Next – look up any type of important dates / events / trips / other as well as compose them down. These should include any type of plans that take concern over running, mean you’ll be out of town or not able to run.

4. assess your goals, dates, timeline, your health and wellness / life priorities

Cross off any type of races on days when you have other plans that take priority. likewise – cross of any type of races that you won’t be able to train for properly (if plans interfere with running for an prolonged time period). Finalize the races you can do.

5. Go!

Register, plan, research study training plans, get going! If you understand the races you want to do as well as can do – register now. costs commonly go up for races as time passes – so register early for the very best prices.

Check the Race discount rates page right here to save on race registration for a great deal of races!

Plan your running as well as race calendar for the year video:

How to plan your race as well as running calendar for the year. hit your goals as well as have fun with this huge photo method to plan as well as prioritize your running.

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Race planning Tools:

1. Yearly calendar – dry erase calendar for the year

It’s 2-sided as well as has the calendar horizontal as well as vertical

2. dry erase markers

3. Calendar

4. Post-its (the little ones)

If you aren’t utilizing a dry erase calendar – think about utilizing the little post-its to note prospective races as well as dates.

Now go get em!!

What are your goals for this year?

What races are on your calendar?? laat het me weten!

Remember to comply with @RunEatRepeat on Instagram for the everyday run inspect in!


Track Your Runs with this free Running Log printable pdf

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⚡ door Shareaholic


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