Runner stamina workout B – September calendar

If you’re complying with this month’s workout calendar today is a stamina training day. considering that it’s the second stamina training day of the week I’m calling it ‘Strength workout B’ this month. (Tuesday’s stamina workout is stamina workout A.)

Here is a picture of each step in situation you’re not familiar. all of the stamina moves this month are body weight exercises – so you don’t requirement any type of equipment! as well as they’re all relatively prominent exercises so you may already be familiar with them. however in situation you want a refresher… inspect em out below.

Runner stamina workout B

20 Sumo Squats

30 reverse Lunges

60 sec Plank

20 Superwomans

20 Plank Taps

Repeat 2 or 3 times if it works with your personal physical fitness as well as schedule.


Focus on appropriate form. This assists to truly target the muscles you’re working during each step as well as prevent injury. If you’re not doing it ideal you’re not getting all the benefits of each move. as well as you likewise boost the modification of injury if you have poor form.

This is a quick workout so you want to be sure as well as get the most out of it by doing the exercises correctly.

Glimlach! plezier hebben. Be pleased of yourself.

Runner stamina workout – No Equipment

Sumo squats

How to do a Sumo Squat:

Stand with your feet somewhat broader than hip distance apart, feet somewhat turned out.

Squat – pushing your hips back, bending your knees as well as keep your upper body tall as well as lifted, core in tight.

Return back to begin standing up tall, knees somewhat bent (don’t lock them out).

30 reverse Lunges

How to do reverse Lunges:

Stand tall, feet about hip distance apart.

Take a huge step backward with your left foot.

Bend your front knee as well as lower your hips into a lunge position, back leg bent. The heel of your back foot must stay up for the push-off back to starting position.

Push off your leg as well as return to the starting setting – standing tall, feet hip distance apart.

Alternate legs, step with your ideal foot next. Repeat, alternating for organized number of reps.

60 second Plank

How to do a Plank:

Start on the floor, on your hands as well as knees.

Put your forearms on the floor under your shoulders. engage your abs as well as prolong your legs directly to produce a ‘plank’ with your body.

Hold this plank setting with a neutral spine, neck straight. capture your glutes as well as keep your core in tight. Hold for organized workout time.

Super lady exercise (formally Superman Exercise)

How to do incredibly lady Exercise:

Lie deal with down on your tummy with arms as well as legs prolonged out, neck directly (neutral). Your body develops an ‘X’ on the mat.

Lift your arms as well as legs directly up toward the sky. Your core must stay in the exact same location on the mat, with your body developing as well as upside down rainbow as your arms as well as legs are lifted.

Hold for a beat, then release back to the mat. Repeat for organized reps.

Plank Taps

How to do Plank Taps:

Start in plank setting on your hands.

Keep your core in tight as well as glutes squeezed. lift ideal hand to tap your left shoulder.

Place ideal hand back down to the floor. inspect that you’re preserving appropriate plank form.

Lift your left hand to touch your ideal shoulder.

Alternate sides for suggested reps.

Save this on Pinterest so you can repeat this workout next week!

Running workout calendar – complimentary printable

It’s NOT as well late to join us! get the September calendar for Runners here!

SHOW UP for yourself this month!

Check in with your run or workout or rest day on Instagram tagging @RunEatRepeat or in the comments of my everyday post! 

ALWAYS seek advice from your physician before trying any type of new diet plan or exercise.

Stuur me het werkboek


Delen is zorgzaam!







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